Chapter 584 Consumed Up

"Well." The man nodded and said, "You can rest here tonight and go to the dragon soul sect to register tomorrow morning. Remember, no matter what danger you are in, don't tell anyone, or I won't show any mercy to you, understand?" "Yes, I understand." The tiger-shaped young man nodded. He had no choice now. He could only listen to the man's orders. He only wanted to live now. As for everything else was useless to him.

"Well, I have to deal with the company's affairs. You can have a rest first." The man waved his hand and said. Then he walked towards his bedroom.

"Alas!" The tiger-shaped young man sighed and soon fell asleep. He hadn't had a good sleep for a long time.

The tiger-shaped young man didn't know how long he had slept. When he woke up, it was already the second day's afternoon.

When the tiger-shaped young man woke up, he felt very tired and weak. He struggled to sit up from the bed and then walked out of the room.