Chapter 596 A Fierce Battle

"Hey, I didn't want to show off in front of others, but I won't accept your words. Today I have to knock you down!" "Afraid of you? I can torture you with one hand."

Then, the two men fought fiercely after a quarrel.

A mutant in the middle of level A fought with a mutant at the top of level A. But the mutant at the top of level A was at disadvantage. What was going on?

Was this the battle between the mutant at the middle stage of level A and the mutant at the advanced stage of level A?

No way! How could it be possible?

What happened?

Who was this man?

A group of onlookers was shocked when they saw this scene. They had never heard of this man, but he had terrifying strength.

They knew that they would see a legendary existence today, but they didn't know what level this person's strength had reached, but they were sure that.