Chapter 615 Super Masters

After confusing Makery No.1, Ji Mo explained, "Generally speaking, the curve of a mutant is completely different from that of an ordinary person. Even at the lowest level E, the curve is different from that of an ordinary person.

But there was only one kind of person. Before he became level S or SS, his figure is close to that of an ordinary person, or even worse than that of an ordinary person. In the eyes of outsiders, he is a waste.

But in fact, this kind of person has the greatest potential. Once he breaks through level S or SS, his fighting power could match or even defeat two to three mutants at the same level." "That's it?"

"Once he breaks through to level S+ or even his combat power can match level SS, several of my subordinates will be the same kind of person."

Hearing that there were also some unusual people like Lee under the leadership of Ji Mo, and there were a lot of them, each of whom was comparable to level SS, Makery No. 1 was very envious.