Chapter 294 "Master" Appeared

Gu Qingyan meant that the illusion around here is fake.

But after she finished her words, the surroundings were quiet, as if what she had just said was just nothing.

Without opening her eyes, she could feel the peace around her, so she didn't hide the details she found.

"I have to admit that everything here is very exquisite, but it's a little strange. Every area is complete as if someone has lived here before. But even a lazy master can't put everything in order all the time."

Because of the layout of the site, there were only two possibilities:

Otherwise, the study and working area would be so neat since this master was naturally easygoing.

Or this master wanted to find friends and the leisure area couldn't be too neat. There always had a cluttered area.

But the whole room was well stitched as if no one lived here. This was the reason why she found that there was something wrong with the secret place.