Julia stood still cowardly and didn't dare to move. 'What if the doctor found out that I am pregnant?'
"Well, Grandpa, you don't have to do this. It's late now. You'd better go back early and have a rest. I'll go to the hospital to have a check-up tomorrow. I'll tell you as soon as I get any news. Is that okay?"
Lucas's grandpa only cared about his great-grandson in her belly, so he shook his head immediately.
"No, you are too dangerous to be alone. Besides, I have brought the doctor here. Can you let me return empty-handed?"
Lucas's grandpa began to put pressure on her. It looked like the test was going to have to be done anyway.
Julia gritted her teeth and hoped that things could have changed. Unexpectedly, Lucas added.
"Now that grandpa has brought the doctor here, can you live up to his kindness?"