Chapter 4 Meet the Boss Again

Natalie's smooth back was very comfortable to touch. Her breast was bulging, and he was just holding it with one hand.

He couldn't help but press the pink nipple, and the little girl couldn't help but let out a groan.

It could be seen that he really did nothing last night and his hands were very frank.

The first thing Allen did when he woke up was touch Natalie's head. The little girl's fever was finally brought down. If she still had a high fever today, Allen would find some herbs in the jungle to bring it down.

After eating some coconut fruit, Natalie was still a little listless. She might need to rest for a while.

After moving her to the shade, Allen began a new day's adventure.

The tsunami caused a huge disaster, and many of the ship's remains were swept to the shore by the waves.

In these corpses, Allen saw many stinky human bodies. Almost none of them survived. They were either drowned alive, or their limbs were broken, and their internal organs were all over the ground.

The blood attracted many large creatures in the sea. They wandered in the sea and went in and out of the cabin.

Allen was lucky enough to find a few big crabs. He didn't care whether these crabs were so fat because they ate human flesh or not. Now he just wanted to fill his stomach and find a temporary residence.

He had no fantasy of rescue at all. Perhaps the whole world had been destroyed, and perhaps this island was a rare pure land in the world. What he could do was to save himself.

Fortunately, he had a life vitality system. He could grow up as fast as he could and live a happy life in the future.

He also found a few bottles of water and drinks, an emergency bag, and some clean clothes in the corpses.

When Allen was removing an emergency boat, Allen saw a familiar figure.

It was Adam, his missing boss. Adam's corpse had been highly swollen because of being soaked in the seawater for a long time. It was estimated that it wouldn't take a few days for him to show the appearance of a giant.

Holding a map tightly in his hand, Allen couldn't tell where it was, so he had to fold it up and put it into his pocket.

In Adam's pocket, Allen found an advanced lighter. It was airtight without water and could be used for a long time.

He also found a luxury wallet, in addition to the business card, there were several filmy condoms in it.

Seeing the thick pile of condoms, Allen sighed. It was prepared for Adam by him. Adam, who had always been coveting the girls, didn't use them until he died.

He subconsciously put the condoms into his pocket.

After searching for more time, he also found a revolver pistol and a box of bullets in the lifeboat!

There were also some gold bars scattered around.

From the looks of it, Adam drove the lifeboat away the moment the bomb exploded. He might think that the seven girls and Allen were burdens, so he chose to escape alone for the first time.

Unfortunately, the explosion caused a huge tsunami and thunderstorm, and the lifeboat was completely useless.

Finally, Allen took away Adam's unfinished compressed biscuits and a few bottles of water.

He dug a sandpit with a simple tool and buried Adam's corpse. This was what he could do to thank the man for bringing food and water.

After burying Adam's body, Allen carried the remains of several ships back. These steel plates didn't need to be cut but could be used as their walls to protect them from wind and rain.

After that, Allen was exhausted, out of breath, and sweating all over.

Natalie, whose face was pale, threw a half bottle of water to Allen. Without hesitation, he drank it all in one breath.

Allen didn't tell Natalie about the discovery of his boss's corpse, nor did he tell her about the discovery of his pistol. When he was a child, his mother had told him that the more beautiful a girl was, the more dangerous she would be.

Allen also agreed with her. Many heroes were killed by girls, and the pistol was his life-saving weapon. He had to keep it in his own hands.

Looking at Allen, who was still busy, Natalie asked in a low voice, "Allen, are we going to build a temporary residence?"

Allen, who was exchanging skills, only nodded in response. He still had 3800 experience points left and the construction master that could match the current situation needed 3000 experience points. After exchanging, the experience was immediately close to zero.

How to get the experience point was a question that Allen had to think about now. In addition to unlocking it, he could also get it from driving a ship before.

Without thinking too much, after being a beginner of construction, Allen looked at the materials all over the ground and came up with some creative ideas.

As long as the four plates were erected and the lower half of them were buried in the ground, they would have a wall that could stop the wind.

A deck could be used as the floor of their bedroom, which could not only be damp-proof but also be flat. The floor was also covered with a layer of leaves to warm up.

Finally, he dragged the roof of the yacht to be the roof of the temporary residence. He used the method of grass rope which was highly technical to make the whole cabin reliable without any wind or rain.

Allen pushed the cabin which was temporarily connected, but it didn't move at all with the help of the construction technician.

Natalie's eyes lit up when she saw the scene. She thought that Allen couldn't build a house with a pile of scrap metal and grass leaves.

The cabin was not crude at all. From a distance, it was a work of art on the island.