Chapter 30 Avatar

Lily was acting tough when she walked out of the hut of the savage, but in fact, she has pretended it.

She even counted in her mind as she walked.

"One, two three..., why haven't they come after me?"

"It seems that I abandoned them, but in fact, I am the one who was abandoned!"

Thought of this, Lily couldn't help but burst into tears.

In her preconception, Jennifer and Jessica should have come out and asked her to go back. But now, Lily realized that she was just a dispensable existence to Emily and others!

Therefore, Lily could only walk towards Allen's two-story cabin. Now she could only hope that Allen could take her in.

In the two-story cabin, Natalie and Anna heard Lily's cry and hurried out to check what happened.

Then they happened to see Lily walking towards them while wiping her tears.

They looked at each other and helped Lily walk into the cabin.

"I'm homeless!"

Then they heard Lily's cry. Lily's crying aroused Natalie and Anna's maternity and almost broke their hearts. They then started to comfort Lily.

"It is okay. You still have us!"

"Yes, you can live here with us. I will talk to Allen about this."

Comforted by Natalie and Anna, Lily finally stopped crying.

They sat together and whispered.

On the other side, Allen was continuing to reserve food for the following days.

After parting from Lily, Allen found that it was still early. So he went to the jungle to look for prey.

He happened to see a deer jumping around.

"So much meat!"

When Allen saw the strong muscles on this deer, he was about to drool. He must catch it!

But no wonder this deer was an adult deer. It was very vigilant. Just a slight movement had already made it extremely alert.

Therefore, Allen had no choice but to chase after the deer, and to catch the deer after it relaxed.

In this way, Allen followed the deer to a place that he felt familiar with.

"Isn't this the direction of the previous savage's camp?"

Allen frowned but thought that those savages were not cannibals, and most of them are women and children. They had no strength to fight, so Allen continued to chase after the deer.

However, Allen found that his deer ran into the territory of the savage like a fish swimming in the water. It ran towards the camp of the savage directly.

Since Allen had come, he wouldn't let the prey run away!

So he continued to chase after the deer. In the end, when he arrived at the camp of the savage, he saw from a distance that the savage seemed to have encountered big trouble.

How much troublesome it was? It was a two meters high giant bear!

Allen saw an adult male savage, who looked like a child in front of the big bear. The bear broke the savage's stick easily.

Then the bear's second slap flapped the savage away, just like flapping a fly.

The male savage let out a scream. Then he fell to one side unresponsive.

It seemed that he couldn't survive.

Allen frowned at this scene, especially when he saw the women and children behind the adult savage. Allen couldn't bear to be a bystander.

The adult savages who were guarding in front of the women and children saw their partner die miserably. Although they were all very scared, their families would be killed by this bear if they step back.

Therefore, they had to fight to the death!


The savage let out a strange scream and attacked the bear. However, their fearless attack was just a tickle for the big bear with thick hair and skin! It didn't work at all!

And the big bear slapped another one at the same time. Some of the rest of the savages were bitted half of his body and fell to the ground. The big bear was unstoppable!

After all the adult savage members were killed.

In the end, the one who stood out to protect women and children was the young savage chased by Allen last time!


He screamed bravely, but he couldn't scare the big bear who butchered savages!

In front of this bear, the young savage was like a small stone blocking its way. Without looking at the young savage, the bear raised its huge bear palm, ready to smash the young savage to death.

The women and children savage behind him all cried miserably!

However, at this crucial moment, Allen finally approached the bear from the back.

Instead of using the single wood bow, he took out his revolver pistol, quickly pulled the safety, and aimed at the huge head of the bear, and pulled the trigger.



With a scream, the young savage widened his eyes fiercely and saw the bear palm in front of him stop on his head and didn't fall again.

The unstoppable bear fell directly to the ground at this moment.

After the bear fell to the ground, Allen's figure with a gun gradually appeared.

Women and children all showed unbelievable expression.

Then the next second, they rushed up madly and knelt in front of Allen.

"It seems that they regard me as their savior?"

Allen felt a headache when he saw these savage members who looked like kowtowing bugs.

After all, he was a civilized man! If he accepted these savages as his followers, he would become the king of the savage.

Besides, looking at these women and children, Allen reckoned that they couldn't even hold a weapon!

"So, just retreat!"

After thinking it over, Allen quickly rushed into the jungle and disappeared while the savage was kneeling devoutly to him.

Only the savage members were still kneeling there, not daring to look up at Allen.