Chapter 100 Popular Allen

Anyway, this night was not peaceful. At least for Emily and the others, they couldn't sleep well.

Jessica kept harassing Taylor and Anna in the middle of the night. Other girls were afraid of being attacked by the cannibals, but Jessica felt like she was in heaven.

Feeling very happy both mentally and physically, Jessica fell asleep. She had a good sleep that night!

Allen didn't sleep as well as she did!

Because he found that although he used the vines to fix himself and the tree so that he wouldn't fall to the ground. The feeling of being immobilized and immobile made him uncomfortable!

Moreover, Allen felt cold in the forest at midnight. Because of his strong body, he wouldn't catch a cold easily.

Otherwise, he might catch a cold!

"It's finally shining!"

It was not until morning that Allen untied himself from the vines and prepared to go back! He also brought home a nest of bird eggs.