Chapter 132 The Price of Impulse

Taylor was the last one.

Just as she was about to leave with others, she couldn't help but look back at the cannibals she hated.

She happened to see some cannibals imitating the action of peeling.

The anger that had been hard suppressed was ignited again.

"Damn it! Why?"

"Why, they can eat and drink well there? Why should we run away? Why should we become beasts and be peeled off by these brainless cannibals? Why they haven't been punished for their mistakes?"

The more Taylor thought about it, the angrier she became. She slowly raised her right hand and aimed at a smiling cannibal.

"Fuck you!"

She said to herself in silence, and the wooden arrow in the crossbow immediately shot out.

With a whoosh, the cannibal who was still performing to his clansmen how to peel off an animal's fur fell to the ground.

There was an eye-catching wooden arrow in his chest.

Allen immediately sensed that something was wrong when he heard the gunshot.

It was too late when he turned around.