Chapter 156 Burn the Whole Night

A simple cremation was ready!

Allen looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. To prevent the fire from spreading to other places, he dug a circle around the firewood with a simple wooden shovel.

The fire wouldn't come out. This was the perfect way to prevent fire.

After that, Allen began to pour the corpse oil on the firewood.

He threw away the last torch and finished it!

Allen was relieved to see that his masterpiece turned into a huge fire dragon and flew into the sky within a minute.

"Although I don't know how the cannibals could know that my cabin is burning, I've already made a plan. Let's see if the cannibals will be fooled!"

Thinking of this, Allen immediately called the girls to follow him!

They ran away in the darkness.

On the top of a mountain not far away, a cannibal was holding a telescope that was traded from a human, staring at an area in front of him.