Chapter 224 Night Attack

"Allen. What's wrong?"

Finally, Emily asked Allen what happened.

Allen looked at the curious faces of the girls and realized that they were not sleepy at this time.

"I just want to arrange the following tasks..."

Before Allen could finish his words, someone in the darkness yawned first.

Then Allen heard a series of yawns.

"Ah, I feel so sleepy all of a sudden!"

"Me too. I'm so sleepy!"

"How about going to bed now? Okay!"

"Let's go together. Let's go!"

Before Allen could react, the girls had already left.

Allen stood still, listening to the bleat of the ewe.

"Nice, only you are with me. Don't worry, I won't let you starve!"


"You're welcome. Your task is also simple. Just help me raise the little leopard. I will never kill you! I'm gonna let you die of old age!"

Allen talked a lot with the ewe intermittently. In the end, Allen felt sleepy, so he took the wooden house with the little leopard back to his room.