Chapter 239 The Treasure Mountain

Seeing Allen's serious expression, Ming immediately realized that Allen was serious.

So he shut his mouth immediately and held back what he wanted to say.

"I see. Allen, how should I trade the bowls?"

Allen was silent for a while.

Originally, he thought that no matter how stupid Ming was, he would bargain with him.

However, Ming agreed without hesitation, and Allen didn't know what to do.

But when he thought of the savages in the savage tribe, he didn't know when Allen could make a bowl for everyone.

So, after thinking for a while, Allen thought that he needed a factory. He could control the core technology and hand over the other simple work to the savages!

Allen said after he figured it out.

"Patriarch, well. I'd better call you Ming. Ming, you just saw how hard it was to make a bowl!"

"So there won't be too many bowls. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ming nodded crazily to show his understanding.