Chapter 280 Blame

"So do you understand why I am so serious?"

Allen looked at the girls, who had changed their expressions, and smiled.

"So what are you thinking about? Why did you change all the food?"

Allen was speechless. He didn't understand why they were so short-sighted.

"We are sorry, Allen!"

Emily found that someone in her team made mistakes, and she was an accomplice. She had to stand out to accompany her sister.

Just like now, Emily had to stand with her sister.

Let alone Emily.

What did Allen think when Jennifer began to apologize?

"Ming doesn't play according to the routine. I just came out of his tribe. Why did Ming come so soon?"

Allen thought there must be a strange reason!

"Something is wrong. I have to go now!"

After being silent for a while, Allen said to the girls, "I'll go to ask Ming what's going on. You're at home. You know what to do!"

After saying that, Allen left with Luan.

"Hey, it's me again! Master Allen!"