Chapter 300 For Fairness

Allen couldn't help but shake his head.

"It's too early for you to be happy now. Although I don't take the black gold abalone into account, I didn't say that everything in your area can be included."

Allen's words stunned the girls who were still discussing excitedly.

"What do you mean?"

"Allen, do you want to go back on your words?"

"You are a man. You should keep your words!"

They got anxious, but Allen still said calmly.

"If I don't take the black gold abalone into account, I will suffer a great loss. In this case, as long as the shells in your area are not counted!"

As Allen spoke, he pointed at the shells behind the girls.

After hearing Allen's words, the girls were stunned.

They didn't expect Allen to say that.

"Ha ha ha! It doesn't matter. It is just a conch!"

"Yes. I was scared to death!"

"It's not a big deal!"

The girls instantly agreed with Allen.

Allen smiled with satisfaction.

"In that case, don't regret it!"

"I won't regret it!"