Chapter 190 Misunderstanding

Allen felt wronged. He thought he looked normal now.

"Put your clothes on before you speak!"

Emily turned around but she still looked at Allen from time to time.

"Oh my God!"

Suddenly, Allen understood something from Emily's evasive eyes and his muscles.

"I see."

He glanced at the other girls, except for a few girls who had sex with him, and the others silently avoided Allen's sight.

Allen felt embarrassed. He couldn't put on his blood-stained old clothes anymore.

In that case, it would be no different from the previous scene.

When Allen was having a headache, Luan came out.

"Allen, I've already prepared it for you!"

Then he took out a beast hide tied behind his lackey.

"This is the clothes I asked the patriarch for. It was peeled off from a wild wolf, and it's a wolf king! I think it's in line with your identity!"

He smiled and handed the hide to Allen.

Allen looked at the coat made of hide in surprise and put it on with suspicion.