Chapter 317 In Wrong Room

Allen grabbed the girl's chest with his hand.

Allen had thought that this girl would pretend to be asleep, but he didn't expect that the girl would move when Allen just touched her clothes.

She grabbed Allen's hand and turned over.

"Ouch! Do you want to refuse me? Don't you?"

Allen thought that this woman was interesting. But on second thought, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"If she were Natalie, she would have pretended to be asleep and let me touch her randomly. Even Lily, Anna, or Taylor wouldn't refuse me. Who is she?"

Allen suddenly had a bad feeling. It seemed that the girl in his arms was not the girl he had had sex with.

"Anyway, you've already taken the initiative to sleep in my bed. No matter who you are, you've already become my woman. I can't let you go!"

If Allen's eyes could shine, they would be glowing with a green light. It must be the light when a hungry wild wolf finds a single prey outside!