Chapter 368 Victory

After Allen loosened his grip, he found that the mad bull slowly knelt on the ground.

Allen checked its condition and found that it was still alive, but its breath was weak.

"Damn it!"

Allen cursed in his heart and didn't say anything more.

Because the other three mad bulls had already attacked Allen.

And this time, they seemed to have learned to be smart. They didn't attack Allen one by one.

They attacked Allen from three different directions.

Seeing this, Ming couldn't help but cover his mouth. He was trying hard to control himself and not to make any sound to distract Allen.

Ming wanted to protect himself, but Kay, who had been rescued by Allen before, dragged his two unconscious shanks and saw three mad bulls rushing towards Allen. Kay picked up the stone on the ground and threw it at the mad bull who was closest to him.

And Kay also let out a roar to attract the attention of the mad bull.

"Hey, I'm here, a delicious waste! Don't you come to kill me?"