Chapter 408 Foodies

Hearing Allen's words, Ren nodded seriously.

"So if we both leave now, it will be easy for them to do anything!"

"Will you be happy if some of the good things we found in the mountains are stolen?"

"No! I won't be happy! I must be angry!"

Ren's mood was affected by Allen.

"So I need a person to supervise them here. This person is you!"

"You are so important to me, so you must stay!"

Allen took advantage of the opportunity to strike while the iron was hot when he saw the change in Ren's mood. The constant praise made Ren excited.

He assured Allen.

"Please rest assured, Master Allen. Today I will stay in their tribe and watch over them. I will report to you as soon as anything happens to them!"

"Exactly! You are so smart!"

"No, it's all Master Allen's plan!"

In a word, after that, Allen took Ren back to the side of Ming and Gai.