Chapter 428 Mission

"But you are blinded by hatred. You have forgotten who you are and our mission, haven't you?"

Ming's curses not only made Zack stunned, but also made Gai have a look of shock on his face.

Allen began to think about a question.

"What is the mission that Ming is talking about? What is the Savior? What's going on with the savages and the cannibals? They are not an accident on this uninhabited island, but the seeds that have been deliberately spread! Right?"

"But is this the seed of civilization or the seed of evil?"

Allen didn't know either. Anyway, he didn't think Zack or Ming were good people.

Moreover, if they were waiting for the Savior, Allen thought at least the two tribes should be civilized.

"I don't know. I want to rush out and kill them now!"

However, Allen didn't take action. He had a feeling that if he rushed out at this time to control them, they might not tell the truth. On the contrary, they might become united because of his appearance.