Chapter 490 Memory

"Well, here is the thing, Master Allen!"

However, Ming discovered that his blood seemed to flow faster because of his anger, and the blood on his body began to flow more.

This made him immediately stop cursing Zack, and then he began to tell Allen what had happened at that time.

"It was Zack who wanted to kill me first. It was normal for me to counterattack, wasn't it?"

As he spoke, Allen seemed to see the scene at that time.

Zack intentionally let Ming open the door, and he tried to sneak up behind Ming.

But Zack didn't expect Ming had already been on his guard against him!

Therefore, in the end, Zack was killed!

"It's so strange. Why is there no movement now?"

Zack listened to the sound in the darkness. He discovered that all the sounds over there had disappeared, which gave him a bad feeling.

Therefore, Zack thought that he should have coughed, pretending that he had woken up.

"Ah! What's wrong? My head hurts! It's so strange! Where are you? Ming!"