Chapter 521 Eliminate Inventory

After landing on the ground, Allen headed for the place where Ren had been.

Because he still wanted to send his food to the savages.

It took Allen a lot of effort to accumulate all the stock.

"I happened to meet a group of savages. Don't waste this opportunity. I must clear all of it!"

Allen had a clear mind.

But on this uninhabited island, there were many people who couldn't think clearly, such as Gai now.

After he discovered the deaths of Zack and Ming, he had already come up with the idea of unifying the entire savage tribe and the cannibal tribe.

Therefore, after leaving the cave, he relied on his strong body and the power of excitement to beat those ignorant young patriarchs and Shamans to surrender!

In the end, relying on Gai, he finally calmed down the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack.

At the same time, he made a choice to deal with the compatriots who fell to the ground.