Chapter 526 Sneak In

The cannibals and the savages that had returned seemed to have become another person.

The young patriarchs and Shamans didn't understand what Gai had done to them.

It was not until they ate the dried fish and roasted meat made by Allen that they realized why in such a short period, these savages and cannibals, whom they had been most loyal to, had all turned into Gai's flatters!

The reason was simple. Gai gave them too many things! It was so delicious!

The food was so delicious that they wanted to betray and kneel to Gai, not to mention the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack, who were not determined!

"Damn it!"

Therefore, after eating the food, Shamans and young patriarchs had only one thought in their minds.

With this food, Gai could unite the two tribes.

Moreover, Ming and Zack were both dead, and no one could stop his will.

In a word, all the elite soldiers present were having a good time.