Chapter 536 Big Punch

"OK. Allen's punch is powerful!"

"You should call him Master! Be careful that he will appear at any time and punch you..."

"I know. Be careful from now on. Otherwise, if Master Allen gets angry, we can't protect you!"

These Shamans and young patriarchs reminded each other, which made Gai feel sad.

He thought of the words of Ming, his father.

"We are born to be slaves. It's not good, but we can't change it!"

At that time, he didn't take it seriously, thinking that it was just Ming's idea.

But now when Allen beat them and made Shamans and young patriarchs convinced, he finally realized that there was servility in human nature.

Allen walked among the trees and soon came to the place where he stored his sniper rifle.

He took away the sniper rifle and found that Allen had three guns in total. Oh, no, four guns.

"Maybe I can become a gunslinger."