"My dearest father, have you seen that? I'm in Bangor now. The aircraft carrier fleet of our country has come. I'll record a video and send it to you. Our aircraft carrier fleet has come to Bangor. I'm so excited!"
The girl was so excited that her hands were shaking.
"Dad, are you crying?"
In the crowd, a lovely girl at the age of six or seven with two pigtails looked at her father.
The little girl noticed that her father was crying.
"Oh, I see. Dad, there's sand in your eyes. Let me blow it for you."
While saying that, the little girl blew on her father's eyes. What a cute little baby.
The little girl's father laughed, crying and laughing.
"It's not sand. I'm really crying!"
The girl's father said. The father was Ron, a fashion designer who had lived in Bangor for ten years.
"Dad, why are you crying?" The little girl didn't understand.
"Don't you see that many brothers and sisters are crying?" Ron said.