Chapter 734 Another Wild Monster

After Claude successfully got rid of this woman, he went upstairs to the second floor.

When he came up, he found that this floor was very bright, and he could see everything around it.

But Claude guessed that there would be a wild monster on this floor, but he still didn't know where it was.

Then he looked around but still didn't find the wild monster.

Now Claude had no choice but to wait because the staircase on the third floor didn't appear at all. He didn't know how to find it successfully.

The next second, Claude suddenly found a pool of blood, which appeared at his feet.

Then Claude knew that the monster was about to show up, so he opened his hands directly.

A lightning protection cover appeared beside him and covered his whole body.

Then Claude looked around quickly again, but he still couldn't see the monster.

But now he had found that there was a lot of blood around him, and the soles of his feet were bright red blood.