Chapter 4 Do You Like Me?

Assistant Liu looked at Lynn, afraid that she would refuse so he said again, "Miss Lynn, the president said that he wouldn't take back the things he sent out. Do you want me to help you move them into the room?"

"Well, assistant Liu. Thank you very much."

Lynn picked up her phone and returned the money that Elma transferred to her. Then she said with a smile, "Auntie, I won't accept the money. After all, Mr. Brown is a good man. I don't lack anything now."

After saying that, Lynn went upstairs and went back to her room. After she left, Jo, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't hold back her anger anymore.

"Ah! Mom, does Benson have a crush on this bitch? Why does a wild girl like her own these things?"

Jo was furious. She shouldn't have let her mother take Lynn back yesterday. "Mom, you forced her to sign the share transfer agreement and let her leave the Walker family, okay? I don't want to see her for even a minute!"

Clenching her fists, Elma said discontentedly, "Calm down. The Brown family is still here. If Benson has a crush on her, do you think it's useful to kick her out of the Walker family?"

With red eyes, Jo asked, "Mom, what should we do now?"

After a pause, Elma seemed to think of something and continued, "As long as Lynn's reputation is ruined, Benson won't like her. Calm down and don't show any dissatisfaction in front of Lynn."

Then, the two of them whispered, and no one knew what they were talking about.

As soon as their words faded away, Lynn and the others went downstairs. After assistant Liu left, Elma said with a smile, "Lynn, Mr. Brown has given you so many things. You should go and thank him, shouldn't you?"

"You are right." Lynn nodded.

"By the way, the Brown family is rich, and we have nothing to pay back. I'm planning to take you and Jo to visit the newly developed resort of your father tomorrow. Why don't you invite Mr. Brown to do with us?"

Lynn hesitated for two seconds and nodded again,


After saying that, a smile flashed across her mouth. She quickly asked the driver to send Lynn to the Brown group.

Arriving at the company, Lynn went off the car but was stopped by the receptionist.

"I'm sorry, Miss. You can't see the CEO without an appointment."

Lynn frowned slightly. At this time, assistant Liu came in. He asked in surprise, "Miss Lynn, are you here for the CEO?"


Assistant Liu took her upstairs directly. Before leaving, he told the receptionist that Lynn didn't need an appointment to come.

The receptionist answered yes in a hurry. In this way, Lynn smoothly met Benson.

The man was still in a black suit, different from the previous one, who wore a pair of black frame glasses. He looked like a refined scum.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your work, Benson," said Lynn in a gentle voice.

Benson ordered his secretary to make a cup of coffee and then replied, "It doesn't matter. Why you come here?"

"I come to thank you. But we just met last night, and you gave me so many things. Well... I don't understand. Do me?"

Everything was in her plan. Lynn knew why Benson treated her like this, but she still pretended to ask.

Knowing that Lynn had misunderstood him, Benson explained hurriedly, "No, it's not the first time we met last night, Lynn."

Hearing this, Lynn blinked in confusion, her beautiful peach blossom eyes full of doubts.

"You will know it in the future. But don't worry. I don't have an improper desire for you. You can treat me as your brother."

"Okay." Lynn nodded.

Her brother was fine.

"I'll take it. brother Benson, we have nothing to reward you. The aunt said that she would take me and Jo to the newly developed resort tomorrow. She wants to invite you to go with us, okay?"

Hearing this, Benson frowned slightly. In the morning, assistant Liu had found out that Lynn was sent to the countryside on the excuse of illness, but in fact, it was Elma who found out that Lynn was a disaster. Of course, Benson didn't believe it. As expected, it was all a conspiracy of the stepmother, Elma. They took Lynn back just because she had her biological mother left shares of the group.

The Walker family was a dangerous place and everyone had bad intentions. It must be not easy for them to invite him to the resort.

"Okay, I'll go with you tomorrow."

"That's great! I won't disturb brother Benson's work. See you tomorrow!" the girl's eyes lit up and she looked very happy.

Benson couldn't help but feel a little worried. This girl was so simple. If she knew the true face of the Walker family, she would be very sad…

However, he owed her all these. If he helped her solve the problems of the Walker family, they would be even and they two didn't owe each other.

At this time, after Lynn, who was called pure by Benson, walked out of the Brown group, there was no smile on her face anymore.

She was looking forward to tomorrow.

The next morning, they set out for the resort in the afternoon.

After changing her clothes and walking out of the room, Lynn ran into Jo.

"Jo, this is the dress brother Benson sent yesterday. Do you think it looks good?" Lynn asked with a fake smile.

"Yes, you look good no matter what you wear."

Although Jo said so, she was so jealous that she wanted to tear Lynn apart.

She tried hard to hold back her anger. As long as tonight passed, Lynn would only make Benson sick!

The three of them were about to get on the car when a black Lamborghini stopped at the door.

Assistant Liu got out of the car and said to Lynn, "Miss Lynn, the president invites you to take a car with him."

As soon as his words faded away, Jo's calm heart exploded again, but she still tried to hold back her smile and said, "Assistant Liu, can I..."

"Sorry, there is only one seat in the car."

Jo's face froze. Elma hurriedly said, "Fine, let Lynn go with Mr. Brown and we will meet at the resort."

Lynn nodded obediently, got on Benson's car, and set off.

On the way, Lynn leaned against the back seat and fell asleep in a daze. She always slept lightly and would wake up as long as someone spoke.

At this time, assistant Liu in front of her said, "President, we found that Q is in A City now."

Benson's eyes twinkled slightly. "Try every means to contact him and find him as soon as possible!"

Lynn didn't open her eyes but was full of doubts. Was Benson looking for Q?

She didn't ask and went back to sleep.