Chapter 6 The Crazier You Are, the Happier I Am

"Assistant Liu, is Brother Brown Okay?" Lynn Walker asked tentatively in the car back to the hotel.

"Miss Lynn, don't worry. Mr. Brown is just too tired from work recently."

Lynn Walker was speechless. Did he regard her as an innocent little girl? Who would be involved in poisoning if he was too tired?

But judging from Assistant Liu's attitude, she knew that he wouldn't reveal too much, so Lynn Walker didn't ask more.

However, according to Benson Brown's current situation, if he was not detoxified in time, he wouldn't be able to live long.

When they arrived at the hotel, someone immediately helped unconscious Benson Brown into the room.

Assistant Liu turned to Lynn Walker and said, "Miss Lynn, you can go to bed now. We will take care of Mr. Brown. Appreciate you very much today."

"Your welcome. I won't bother you yet," Lynn Walker turned around and left. She didn't expect that Benson Brown would be involved in the poisoning.

Should she save him or not?

Benson Brown was still of great use to her. So he couldn't die like that.

"Well, save him!"

Elma White got up early the next day.

Last night, the crying and shouting in the next room didn't stop until after midnight. It could be seen how miserable Lynn Walker had been tortured!

She walked out of the room triumphantly. When she was about to expose the scandal of Lynn Walker's being raped, she suddenly saw Lynn Walker coming over from the other end of the corridor.

Elma White was stunned at first and then stared at her in disbelief, "You... Why are you here?"

Shouldn't she be tortured to death by John Longman? How could she come out safe and sound?!

Lynn Walker looked into her surprised eyes and pretended to be confused, "Last night, I went to see the stars with Brother Brown. When coming back, I found that there was someone in the room, so I checked in another room. What's wrong, aunt?"

Hearing this, Elma White's eyes widened and a trace of panic rose in her heart.

If Lynn Walker was here, who screamed last night?

Looking at the panic on Elma White's face, Lynn Walker wanted to laugh, but she had to control herself and pretended to care about her, "Aunt, you don't look well."

"I'm fine..." Elma White returned to her room, feeling more and more nervous.

She called Jo Walker several times, but no one answered.

Should not…

When Elma White was lost in various fancies and conjectures, the phone was connected.

Jo Walker's sobbing voice came from there. Elma White suddenly stood up and walked to the next room.

Lynn Walker standing behind her looked at her trembling hands and felt very happy.

Let me show you what despair is!

Jo Walker, who had been tortured for the whole night, had lost her mind. Her whole body was covered with shocking scars. At this moment, she was holding Elma White and crying sadly.

"Jo... What's wrong with you?"

Lynn Walker entered the room. John Longman had left before dawn, only leaving Jo Walker.

As soon as Jo Walker heard Lynn Walker's voice, she raised her head fiercely, "It's you who set me up! You deliberately let me come back first. You've already set a trap for me!"

"You bitch! I can't spare you!"

While cursing, Jo Walker pounced on Lynn Walker. Looking at her fierce appearance, she wished that she could tear Lynn Walker into pieces.

However, Lynn Walker only took a few steps back. Jo Walker fell to the ground because of the pain in her body.

"Jo, I don't do anything. Why do you say that to me…" Lynn Walker looked wronged with tears in her eyes?

Regardless of anything, Jo Walker said, "Last night, it should be you…"

"Jo!" Elma White suddenly shouted and went up to help Jo Walker up. She was afraid that if Jo said one more word, their plan would be exposed.

"What do you mean?" Lynn Walker asked curiously.

Elma White said in a hurry, “Jo has suffered a lot. Don't take it seriously. Besides, don't tell anyone what you have seen today. Do you understand?"

If no one knew about it, Jo Walker could still be saved.

But how could Lynn Walker let them go so easily, "But we have to find out who hurt Jo? We can't let the bad guy escape, right?"

"Shut up, Lynn Walker! Do you want to see me make a fool? Do you want everyone to know that I have been raped?"

Jo Walker seemed to be crazy. She got rid of Elma White and tried her best to rush to Lynn Walker again. This time, Lynn Walker didn't dodge but grabbed her arm directly!

"My dear sister, you don't settle accounts with the person who raped you, why do you always vent your anger on me?"

The two were very close to each other, and Jo Walker happened to block Elma White's sight. Only she could see how horrible Lynn Walker's appearance was at the moment.

It was like a ghost that climbed up from hell. As long as it raised its hand, it would be able to drag her into the eighteenth layer of hell and she would never be able to be reborn.

"Ah!" Jo Walker screamed in horror. She got rid of Lynn Walker's hand and kept dodging.

Seeing this, Elma White held her and asked worriedly, "Jo! Jo! What's wrong with you? Don't scare me..."

"Auntie, I think we'd better take Jo to the hospital. She looks very abnormal now." Lynn Walker, who had recovered her usual appearance, reminded her in a low voice.

However, Elma White hesitated.

If she went to the hospital and was found by others, Jo Walker's life would be ruined!

"Lynn, can you promise your aunt one thing?" Elma White looked at Lynn Walker with pleading eyes.

Lynn Walker was curious that Elma White would ask for help, "Aunt, you say."

"You can't tell anyone that Jo has been raped, or so she will be criticized by others in the future. Can you just pretend that you haven't seen anything?"

Looking at Jo Walker trembling in Elma White's arms, Lynn Walker smiled and said, "Of course I won't tell anyone. Jo is my sister. How can I do such a thing doomed by God? Aunt, don't worry."

"Well... I trust you," Elma White's face was very dark.

Did heaven retribution happen to her daughter?

On the morning of that day, Elma White left the resort with Jo Walker. Lynn Walker saw off the car running away despondently.

"It's so enviable to have a mother..." Lynn Walker stood at the gate of the hotel and murmured to herself.

All of a sudden, a familiar sound of footsteps came from behind. Lynn Walker immediately shut up, pretending to feel anything.

"Lynn Walker?"

Lynn Walker looked back and immediately showed a happy look, "Brother Brown, you are all right!"

"Well, I heard that you asked my assistant to pick me up last night. Thank you," Benson Brown's face was a little pale, but he looked much better than last night.

All of a sudden, Lynn Walker bit her lips and said in a low voice, "You don't have to appreciate me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have fainted on the mountain. Assistant Liu told me that you faint because you are too tired from work."