Chapter 9 A Promise

In the Lidong Building.

It was one of the real estate buildings in A City, and all people coming in and out were personages.

Lynn Walker pulled the peaked cap on her head, swiped the card, and walked into the appointed private room. Passing by a full-length mirror, she slightly tidied up her clothes.

Her face had already changed. Her skin was shallow, and her originally thin face became round. The bridge of her nose was low and her lips were so red that they seemed to be about to bleed. It did not fit her simple features.

In order not to be recognized by Benson Brown, she had made great efforts.

"Ghost doctor Q?" Assistant Liu was waiting at the door of the box and was stunned to see the plain-looking woman.

Before seeing the ghost doctor, he had imagined her appearance, which was either amazing or ugly but was not so ordinary.

Lynn Walker pulled down the peaked cap to cover her slender eyes."Where is the patient?"

The door was pushed open by his assistant. Benson Brown sat on the sofa and looked at her up and down with oppressive eyes.

Lynn Walker said calmly, "Mr.Brown, is this your way of entertaining guests?"

Five or six bodyguards were standing in the box, staring at her with covetous eyes as if they were going to attack her in the next second.

Benson Brown raised his hand and said, "You may leave now."

"President…" The assistant hesitated.

After all, no one knew the background of ghost doctor Q. What if they wanted to kill Benson Brown…?


Benson Brown's voice was cold. The assistant who was familiar with the president knew that the president was unhappy, so he had to ask these bodyguards to leave.

As the door was closed, Lynn Walker sat down opposite Benson Brown.

"Mr.Brown, aren't you afraid that I will hurt you?"

"You are the ghost doctor. If you want to hurt me, you just need to put something in the medicine. You don't have to make so many efforts."

Benson Brown poured her a glass of water and kept his inquiring eyes on her face.

"Well, Mr.Brown, are you interested in my appearance?"

"I believe that no one in the world is not interested in Q's appearance." Benson Brown narrowed his eyes. The cold light in his eyes was like a beam of light that no one could hide.

If Lynn Walker hadn't practiced concentration since childhood, she would have been exposed in a few minutes.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a few minutes until Benson Brown put down the teacup in his hand.

"I want to know the condition of your treatment."

He had been looking for Q for a long time, but he had received no reply before. This could not be Q's sudden thought.

Lynn Walker didn't expect him to be so direct. She didn't expect him to pay for any reward before she came here. She just thought that Benson Brown was nice to her and she could make use of him later.

She thought for a while and raised a finger.

Under the perplexed gaze of Benson Brown, she said, "A promise. It's worthy of exchanging Mr. Brown's life for a promise, isn't it?"

"Okay." Benson Brown nodded without hesitation.

The woman in front of him gave him a familiar feeling, and he agreed to her request willingly.

Things went much more smoothly than Lynn Walker had expected. She raised her eyebrows and opened the medical kit she carried with her.

"Mr.Brown, you look haggard and your lips are purple. It's a sign of poisoning. Please stretch out your right hand."

The cloth bag was placed on the table. Benson Brown frowned and put his hand on it.

A warm feeling came from his wrist, and his slender and white fingers were like butterflies that were about to fly. Benson Brown's heart moved, and when he came to his consciousness, Lynn Walker had already put away the cloth bag.

She wrote quickly and exhorted, "You are heavily poisoned, and the poison can't be removed in a moment. I'll prescribe some suppressive medicine, and you couldn't have too much emotional fluctuation recently. Take light diet."

After a while, the table was full of large and small medicine bottles, and each of them was carefully pasted with a note indicating how to take it.

"These are the Chinese patent medicine I make. The first step is to weaken your poison, then dissolve it, and then remove it. I will come back after a month."


Benson Brown stood up from the sofa and walked up to Lynn Walker.

"I ordered some dishes. Why don't you stay and have dinner with me?"

Lynn Walker took a step back and said, "No, thanks. I have other patients."

Facing the approaching breath, she coughed unconsciously.

It had to be admitted that Benson Brown was charming enough to intoxicate thousands of girls with his deep eyes.

Lynn Walker pinched her fingers to keep herself awake.

But she didn't expect that Benson Brown would suddenly make a move in the next second. She wanted to turn her head to avoid it. Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew over her head, and her curled hair poured down.

Lynn Walker asked angrily, "What do you mean, Mr.Brown?"

Holding her hat, Benson Brown said with a faint smile, "I'm sorry. I just think you look like someone I know."

He apologized, but there was no guilt on his face. A dark light flashed across his deep eyes.

Lynn Walker's heart beat faster when she saw his eyes. She was confident that her disguise was perfect. Even if she looked at him at a close distance, there would be no flaws, but she still couldn't help feeling guilty.

She tried to hide her panic with a sneer. "Mr. Brown, you are a man who repays kindness with enmity. If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have come."

Then she took the hat from Benson Brown's hand and left.

"Boss, should we send someone to follow her?" the assistant asked cautiously.

He heard the noise in the room just now. If Q was irritated, Mr. Brown couldn't be detoxified!


There was still a faint fragrance left on Benson Brown's fingers, like the grass that came out after the rain, vigorous and tenacious.


What was she worried about? Was she afraid that he would find out her true identity?

Lynn Walker took a deep breath and took off her makeup.

It was too dangerous to deal with Benson Brown. It seemed that she had to be more careful in the future, or she would be seen through by him accidentally.

After returning to the villa, Lynn Walker took a shower first to wash away all things of Q on her body.

Thinking of the famous-brand clothes and bags Benson Brown prepared for her in the cloakroom, she casually wrapped herself in a bath towel.

She opened the door of the bathroom and saw Benson Brown coming in.

When the four eyes met, Lynn Walker came to her consciousness. She rolled her eyes and covered her mouth in a hurry, and screamed.

Now that she had to pretend to be a bitch, how could she fall behind Jo Walker? Her acting skill was her strong point.

"Brother Brown..." She hold her chest with both hands, and her lips trembled as if she had restrained great grievance.

Benson Brown was stunned and turned around at a loss, "I'm sorry. I should have knocked at the door."

Looking at Benson Brown's back, Lynn Walker blinked her eyes and regained her composure.

She put on her clothes and went out. Seeing Benson Brown sitting upright on the sofa, she couldn't help laughing.

Benson Brown looked cold and ruthless, but in fact, he was much more innocent than she had imagined.

As if hearing the footsteps behind her, Benson Brown didn't turn around and turned to the next page of the newspaper. "Dinner is ready. You eat first."

When Lynn Walker was about to answer, she saw Jo Walker and Elma White discussing something on the monitor.

After a while, she stopped smiling and turned to the room.