Chapter 21 They Were All Refused

Professor Clark was expressionless and kept doing his work.

"You don't have to do that. I don't want to lose the spirituality of my flowers. What's up?"

Hearing this, Jo Walker immediately took out her business card and handed it to Professor Clark. "Professor Clark, I'm the project manager of the Walker group, Jo Walker."

"I heard that the Walker group is a big enterprise," Professor Clark said lightly.

Professor Clark didn't take the business card from her hand and deliberately dodged it.

Hearing this, Jo Walker felt very happy. She didn't expect that Professor Clark also knew the reputation of her company.

"So you know the Walker group. The clothing brand of our company has always been the leader in the industry, and our products are also popular in the market."

Professor Clark did not care about it at all. He just sneered and continued to do his work.

Jo Walker didn't get any response. She was a little anxious.

She sized Professor Clark up again. He didn't look like a family inheritor at all. He was wearing the most ordinary clothes and slovenly. His hair was a little messy, and he was still doing various trivia.

At first, she thought that she must have found the wrong person, but Jo Walker found out that he was indeed Professor Clark.

"Professor Clark, this is a representative product of our company in recent years. It is popular among female customers of all ages and careers." Then Jo Walker took out several samples from her bag and showed them to Professor Clark with one hand.

Jo Walker was impetuous. She couldn't stand being rejected.

Professor Clark took a look and stopped his work. He pointed at the clothes and said, "Open it. Open it for me!"

Jo Walker was completely confused. She showed every piece of clothing to Professor Clark, "Professor Clark, our products are international first-class in both design concept and promotion. I..."

Professor Clark interrupted Jo Walker before she finished her words.

"Shut up!"

Jo Walker shut up immediately.

Professor Clark flipped through clothes casually and asked disdainfully, "Is this the best product of your company?"

"Yes, these products make our company reach today's position and become famous in this market. Our clothing attaches great importance to the traditional embroidery techniques in China, and I hope that we can have a breakthrough in traditional embroidery design in the future. After high selection, our design department finally decide to choose your goose feather embroidery technique, so today I am here to discuss cooperation with you."

Jo Walker sorted out her expression and continued to explain.

Professor Clark threw these clothes away casually, sat down and poured a cup of tea, said coldly, "Do you want to buy a patent of my goose feather embroidery?"

Jo Walker donned a welcoming smile after hearing it. "No. We know that you have inherited the goose feather embroidery for many years and innovated it. It's just like your child. How can you sell it so easily? We just want to help you apply for a patent. After that, we hope you can delegate this patent to us and let us use it for mass production with the help of our complete production line. It's a good thing to kill many birds with one stone."

As soon as Jo Walker finished, Professor Clark slammed the teacup to the ground.

He pointed at Jo Walker, bursting into anger. "I'm telling you. I won't sell it to you. Go away!"

"Professor Clark, our company will give you a very munificent reward, you..." Jo Walker was shocked. Stunned for a moment, she explained again, but this time, her voice was much weaker.

"You are so reckless to combine the traditional embroidery with the modern techniques without any design concept. You even claim the leader of the clothing brand in the industry. The Walker group is not as good as before."

As Professor Clark said, he shoved the clothes on the table to Jo Walker. "I won't sell my technique to you. Go away. Hurry up."

"Professor… Professor Clark!"

"Go away! Hurry up!"

"Please, please listen to me, I..."

Before Jo Walker could say anything more, she was driven out by Professor Clark.


Benson Brown and Lynn Walker also arrived at the mountain

At the sight of the house, Lynn Walker couldn't wait any longer. She ran up to knock at the door and asked, "Is anyone here?"

She shouted for a long time, but no one answered.

Benson Brown pushed the door open.

The two of them exchanged glances and slowly walked in. They looked around and didn't find anything related to goose feather embroidery.

"Is anyone here?" Lynn Walker continued,

At this time, Professor Clark came out with a basket of plants and replied coldly, "Today is Tuesday. No guests are welcome."

Professor Clark had just been irritated by Jo Walker, so his tone was naturally not kind.

Fortunately, before Lynn Walker and Benson Brown came here, they knew that Professor Clark had an eccentric character, and he didn't look like an artist at all.

Therefore, as soon as Lynn Walker saw him, she was sure that this was Professor Clark. She immediately went up to greet him.

"Professor Clark, nice to meet you. I'm Lynn Walker. I..."

Before Lynn Walker finished, Professor Clark ignored her and dodged.

"Tuesday is my study time. It hasn't changed for thirty years."

"I see. I'm a clothing designer and I've always been interested in your unique goose feather embroidery, so I especially talk with you about the patent transfer today."

"I don't have what you are looking for. You can go somewhere else."

As expected, Professor Clark was really difficult to deal with.

"Nice to meet you, Professor Clark. I'm Benson Brown." Hearing the name, Professor Clark turned and sized Benson Brown up with little disgust in his eyes.

"We have known your goose feather embroidery in detail. When we came to this villa, we knew that although your embroidery technique is unique, because you have lived in the mountain for a long time, very few people have come into contact with it, let alone the market. Is it that your ancestors left your inheritance just to make you happy?"

Benson Brown didn't ease up his tone at all.

Lynn Walker was also shocked by Benson Brown's words, fearing that Professor Clark would beat them out when hearing those.

Hearing this, Professor Clark stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Benson Brown as if lost in thought.

The two didn't seem to admit defeat at all.

The atmosphere froze.

Hearing Benson Brown's words, Professor Clark didn't lose his temper immediately. He was touched in his heart, so Lynn Walker took advantage of the opportunity.

"Yes, Professor Clark. Don't you want more people to be happy because of your goose feather embroidery? If you can benefit more people, the traditional culture will be inherited longer."