Chapter 27 Lived in the Villa Again

Lynn Walker was stunned. She changed to a tender look to check him and found his eyes were full of worry about her.

"I want some water."

Lynn Walker quickly changed the topic and reached for the glass.

But Benson Brown's unhappy voice came from above, "You are still sick. Don't get out of bed and run around."

While he was scolding, Lynn Walker quickly withdrew her hand.

But she was so thirsty that couldn't say any words.

Benson Brown reached for a glass of water on the table and frowned. "The water is a little cold. I'll get you some water and the medicine by the way."

Then he turned around and walked towards the warm pot.

When Benson Brown recalled that he held Lynn Walker in his arms just now, he stopped thinking.

He poured the boiled water and turned around, the woman on the bed looking at the medicine. Her little face wrinkled. She pinched her nose and put the medicine in her hand in disgust.

Benson Brown stood there quietly. He didn't expect that Lynn Walker was also afraid of taking medicine.

After taking the medicine in one breath, Lynn Walker opened her mouth and gasped for breath bitterly.

After a while, Lynn Walker felt better, but her mouth was bitter.

She looked at Benson Brown standing at the door, saying like a spoiled child, "Brother Benson, candy..."

Benson Brown came to his senses and asked, "Where?"

"In the drawer." He opened the drawer, found the candy, and walked towards her with water.

Lynn Walker took a big gulp of water and felt that she came back to life again with the sweet candy in her mouth.

Although Lynn Walker was a ghost doctor, she hated taking medicine, especially Chinese medicine.

"It seems that you are fine."

Benson Brown seized Lynn Walker up again.

"I'm fine. I'll leave the hospital in two days. Besides, I have work to do."

Lynn Walker had to take advantage of this accident to push the project as soon as possible. So Jo Walker and Elma White could stumble.

Benson Brown changed his complexion when hearing that.

He thought that Jo Walker was so angry because of this project. And she did such a dangerous thing. Lynn Walker was so indifferent that she didn't notice the seriousness of the matter at all.

"No, I will talk to Mr. Walker about this project. You don't have to do it. I don't want..."

As soon as she heard this, Lynn Walker got nervous.

"No way!"

Of course not. If Benson Brown showed up this time, she would expose her identity in advance. Jo Walker and Elma White would know that Benson Brown was on her side. They would be warier of her.

Now Jo Walker was just jealous and angry at most.

If he did so, Benson Brown would be a bright chess piece. Now, it was not the right time.

"Brother Benson, as you can see, I've worked so hard for this project. It's almost done. I don't want to give up." Lynn Walker looked at Benson Brown.

She didn't expect that Benson Brown would do that. She had no choice but to let it go.

"Of course I know, but it's too dangerous. You're fine now. What if..."

Lynn Walker stepped forward, grabbed Benson Brown's hand, and said in a soft voice, "Not in case. It's an accident between us. It has nothing to do with work."

"Well, in that case, I respect you. But after you leave the hospital, I will tell Mr.Walker to promise me to invent you to my place for some time. I am worried about you." Benson Brown knew that he couldn't convince Lynn Walker, so he had to exhort her.

Lynn Walker thought for a while.

It would be nice to go to Benson Brown's house.

When this matter was over, Jo Walker and Elma White would make trouble for her again and again. After all, Elma White was not a kind-hearted person. If she went to Benson Brown's house, she could hide for a while and make the next plan.

"But I'm afraid of auntie..."

Lynn Walker had to ask him to get rid of Elma White first.

"Don't worry. I will handle it." Benson Brown turned fierce when seeing Lynn Walker's fright.

"Thank you, Brother Benson. Thank you for taking care of me again." Lynn Walker grabbed Benson Brown's hand with tears in her eyes.

Benson Brown's heart skipped a beat. He got rid of Lynn Walker's grip.

"It's okay. I'll go back first."

Benson Brown left the ward in a hurry.

Lynn Walker burst into laughter until Benson Brown left.

She didn't expect that Benson Brown hadn't improved at all. So far, he hadn't been used to acting coquettishly and touching her body.

In the Walker family.

As soon as Elma White entered the room, she felt the atmosphere froze in an instant.

Bernie Walker sat there, making people dare not approach him. Jo Walker, who had been standing there for a long time, had already turned pale and her hands kept shaking.

Elma White quickly sat beside Bernie Walker.

"I just came back from the hospital. Lynn is fine now. She can leave the hospital tomorrow. Don't worry." Elma White said.

Hearing this, Bernie Walker raised his eyes. His eyes narrowed and flashed a fierce light.

"She is fine. Come here."

Hearing the harsh voice, Jo Walker was so frightened that she stepped back immediately.

"Dad, it's not me. We were just having fun. Lynn Walker was so careless that she didn't see the stairs behind us. I wanted to pull her..."

Before Jo Walker could finish, Bernie Walker stood up immediately.

"Shut up! How dare you lie to me? I saw you push Lynn down the stairs, but you didn't say a word. Besides, she is your sister. How dare you call her name directly? You are spoiled."

Bernie Walker's face was ghastly pale, and his forehead popped out blue veins. His face was dark and terrible.

"No, no..." Jo Walker collapsed on the sofa and kept retorting.

Elma White hurried to stop furious Bernie Walker and said, "Well, sit down first. Don't be so angry. Be careful of your health. You don't know Jo. She is short-tempered but timid. How dare she push someone to get hurt, not to mention Lynn?"

As they entered the room, they saw Jo push Lynn.

However, Elma White didn't know what had happened between Jo and Lynn Walker. She had planned to come back to learn about the situation first and then find a way to explain for Jo Walker. She didn't expect that Bernie Walker had come back in advance.