Chapter 36 An Elegant Bowler

Beck William felt his throat dry and wanted to force himself to look away, but Lynn Walker seemed to be attractive and stick to his sight.

Every move of her had a fatal attraction, and there was a voice in his mind constantly bewitching him.

Hearing the noise, Lynn Walker turned around and asked, "Why do you stand up?"

"Lynn, I have something to tell you." Beck William approached Lynn Walker.

The distance between the two was less than one meter, and his blurred eyes made Lynn Walker uncomfortable.

Lynn Walker adjusted the air conditioner to the coldest temperature and said, "You don't look well. How about going back and having a rest for two days? We can discuss it another day."

Beck William couldn't hear Lynn Walker's words because of the heat. He saw her lips open and close, which sent out fatal sexy.

As soon as he was about to move forward, Lynn Walker returned to her chair.

Facing the sudden abnormality of Beck William, Lynn Walker was grim.

Looking at the glass on the table, Lynn Walker suddenly found the answer. She picked up the glass and smelled it.

She knew that!

A cold light flashed in her eyes. It was Jo Walker's wishful thinking. After she failed last time, she used the same trick again.


Beck William walked over to the table and held Lynn Walker's left hand. His face turned red and his eyes were covered with a layer of mist.

Lynn Walker tried to wake him up, "Beck William, if you feel uncomfortable, you can lie on the sofa."

Beck William turned a deaf ear to her and acted more and more excessively.

Lynn Walker was forced to the corner and stepped back to the bookshelf.

It seemed that the drug was more potent than she had expected. Her hand rose and fell, and the silver needle pierced into Beck William's shoulder. Beck William was stunned, closed his eyes, and fell on Lynn Walker.

On the other side, Benson Brown strode into the Yu group. When Jo Walker received the news from the receptionist, she rushed over.

"Brother Benson, why are you here?" When Jo Walker met Benson Brown in the elevator, a scheming light flashed through her eyes.

"Are you looking for my sister? She is in her office, but..."

"She seems to be inconvenient now. She is receiving a guest who is a new model signed by our company."

Benson Brown glanced at her, and Jo Walker avoided eye contact with him guiltily.

When the elevator door opened, Benson Brown walked towards Lynn Walker's office without looking back.

Jo Walker curled into a cold smile. "I'll see how you can explain this time!"

At the end of the corridor, the door of the office was closed. Jo Walker whispered, "Sister may have something to deal with. How about you wait for her in my office first?"

This undoubtedly added fuel to the fire. Without hesitation, Benson Brown was about to push the door open.

But when his hand touched the door, it was opened from inside.

Lynn Walker was confused to look at Benson Brown who suddenly appeared and asked, "Brother Benson, why are you here?"

"Sister, why do you close the door in the day? Even if you have something to talk about with Beck William, you won't..."

Jo Walker took the opportunity to open the door and saw what was going on inside.

Beck William lied on the sofa and rubbed his temples. Hearing the voice, he stood up to apologize, "My head hurts all of a sudden. It seems that we can't talk about the design plan anymore. Can we make an appointment next time, Lynn?"

"Of course." Lynn Walker made a gesture of help yourself.

Jo Walker was stunned. How could they act as if nothing had happened? Didn't they get water from the water dispenser?

It was impossible. The water level dropped obviously, and there were two glasses on the table.

Was it because she put too little weight in it?

Benson Brown strode into the room and brushed past Beck William, who was about to leave.

His deep eyes were as cold as ice, like the glacier that had not melted all year round in the winter.

Beck William smiled at him and nodded.

A silent war seemed to have begun.

After Beck William left, Jo Walker was still unwilling to give up. "Sister, you still have to pay attention to it in the future. A man and a woman stay in a room. Although we won't think too much, many people in the company could. If the news spreads, it will affect the company's image."

As she spoke, she looked at Benson Brown. She didn't understand what was hidden behind his cold appearance.

Lynn Walker sneered, "The office is used for business. 70% of the Walker group is male employees. Can you guarantee that you won't contact them in the future?"

"I..." Jo Walker was speechless.

She had never won Lynn Walker in terms of arguing.

"At least I won't stay with them alone."

"Get out."

As soon as she finished, Benson Brown's cold voice suddenly appeared, which frightened Jo Walker.

She wanted to say something but stopped on second thought. She felt Benson Brown's suppressed anger and retreated sulkily.

She had thought that she could take this opportunity to make Benson Brown feel disappointed in Lynn Walker, but she had failed. Damn it!

There were only the two of them left in the office. Lynn Walker felt embarrassed for no reason.

Although they had nothing to do with each other, she felt like she had been caught.

If she hadn't been good at medical skills and forced the poison out of Beck William's body, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

"Brother Benson, have you finished your work?" Finally, Lynn Walker broke the silence.

Benson Brown didn't answer but walked to the window. The vase on the table was annoying.

She neither saw his expression nor figured out what he was thinking. She was a little nervous.

After all, he was her prop, and she needed his help in the future. She couldn't offend him casually.

"Have you eaten Japanese food?"

"What?" The sudden turn caught Lynn Walker off guard.

When she came to her senses, she nodded her head and said, "It's next to the company. I want to invite you to, but you have something to deal with in the company, so..."

Benson Brown interrupted her, "So you called him."

"Um." Lynn Walker shut up.

She finally understood that Benson Brown was also narrow-minded!

Because she didn't invite him to dinner, he mistook that she had invited Beck William. As soon as he entered the door, he pulled a long face.

"Let's go." Benson Brown's tone softened.

It turned out that he had no time, so she invited others. He could forgive her.

Lynn Walker was confused, "Where are we going?"

"Let's go to dinner."

After the meeting, he went straight here. He hadn't had dinner yet, so he was hungry when his anger subsided.

Lynn Walker was speechless.

Did he come here to have dinner with her? But she had already taken and she was so full now!

Benson Brown took half a step forward and suddenly stopped, which made Lynn Walker's heart beat faster. Was there anything wrong?

"This bunch of flowers is not beautiful." Benson Brown took the flower out of the vase, frowned, and threw it into the trash can.

His action was crisp and agile, like an elegant tosser.

He had never asked Lynn Walker a question from beginning to end. She comforted herself in her heart that he was the true boss and it was just a bunch of flowers.

Benson Brown was very satisfied with Lynn Walker's indifferent attitude. It seemed that she didn't pay much attention to Beck William!

When he thought of this, his heart beat faster. He said that she was his young sister. Then how should he explain these inexplicable emotions?

When he saw other men getting close to her, he would be angry and remorseful. Thinking that she cared about his feelings, he felt a little happy. Was it normal?