Chapter 77 Finish the Battle As Soon As Possible

She drove to the driver's house. When she saw him stunning on the ground, Lynn Walker knew that she was late.

She resisted the impulse of punching the wall and poured cold water on the car driver.

"Ah? Don't kill me!" The car driver jumped up and held his head with both hands, trembling all over.

Lynn Walker stood in front of him and said, "Take a look at me."

Hearing Lynn Walker's voice, the car driver put down his hand, but his eyes were still full of fear.

He was covered with wounds all over his body, and his clothes were covered with dust. His hair was in a mess and hung down on his head. He looked embarrassed and pitiful.

The car driver relaxed and his tears fell unconsciously. "Who did I provoke? Please let me go!"

"Where is the thing?" Lynn Walker looked at him indifferently.

"The thing, the thing has lost."

The car driver collapsed on the ground, regardless of his image. "I have nothing now. Even if you beat me to death, I can't show you any evidence."