Chapter 91 A Complete Family

Lynn Walker said meaningfully, "I'm looking forward to attending your wedding."

After saying that, Lynn Walker yawned and opened the door of her bedroom.

She left the hospital earlier to solve the problem of Jo Walker as soon as possible but didn't expect that she would hit herself at the muzzle.

Seeing that Lynn Walker was so relaxed, Jo Walker felt very uncomfortable.

She said ruthlessly, "She will have nowhere to cry when I marry Benson Brown!"

Although Lynn Walker had detoxified, she was still weak. After lying down for a whole day, she received a call from her assistant in the afternoon.

"Miss Walker, I can't get in touch with Gene."

Lynn Walker abruptly sat up from the bed. She asked while putting on clothes, "Have you been to his house?"

"Not yet. I'm on my way there."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

After hanging up the phone, Lynn Walker took a taxi to Gene's residence.

Gene couldn't take French leave. Something must have happened.