Chapter 97 Freshness

Surrounded by the smoke, Lynn Walker couldn't see what was going on inside, but she could hear a group of men laughing.

She stood outside the door in resistance. "Dad, I don't accept such social engagements."

"What do you want?" Bernie Walker was extremely impatient. He pushed Lynn Walker's shoulder and said, "Just go in. Don't talk so much nonsense!"

As soon as Lynn Walker entered the room, the music stopped and countless eyes fell on her.

Those undisguised obscene eyes made Lynn Walker frown, and they seemed to look at a call girl.

"Sorry, everyone. I'm late." Bernie Walker closed the door. Then he turned around and introduced, "This is my eldest daughter. She has outstanding ability and is now in charge of the latest project of my company."

"Oh, it's Miss Walker. I've heard a lot about you." The man in the middle said meaningfully.

His eyes twined around Lynn Walker's body like snakes as if he was enjoying his prey.

"Miss Walker, come and have a seat."