Chapter 101 Not Getting Married

On the second day of Lynn Walker's stay in the villa, Jo Walker couldn't help but ask Mrs. Brown to make trouble for her.

When she was reading in the yard, she suddenly heard the whistle of a car. As soon as she turned around, Jo Walker reached out her hand and greeted her, "Sister."

Behind her, Mrs. Brown didn't look good. When she looked at Lynn Walker, she was even angrier.

"Sister, don't worry. I've persuaded father for you. You can go back when he calms down."

Jo Walker held Lynn Walker's hand intimately and greeted her with a fake smile.

Lynn Walker held Jo Walker's hand and smiled ambiguously. "Thank you, sister."

After saying that, she glanced at Mrs. Brown who was standing aside with a long face, and nodded slightly.

Perhaps it was because she didn't expect Lynn Walker to be so persistent that Jo Walker's smile froze a little. She gritted her teeth secretly but looked calm on the surface.

Her sudden enthusiasm must cause trouble.