Chapter 109 Are You Free Tomorrow

Lynn Walker was also speechless. She didn't know the specific information except for his name and profession. So after the police asked, she searched on the search engine in front of them.

Lynn Walker heaved a sigh of relief after dealing with the traffic police.

Not long after, the light of the operating room turned off and a bed was pushed out.

Lynn Walker walked up to the doctor and asked, "Doctor, how is he?"

The doctor glanced at her and said coldly, "His life is not in danger, but the wound on his leg is a little serious. I'm afraid he can't do strenuous exercise."

"You mean..."

While speaking, Lynn Walker turned around and looked at Beck William, who was lying on the bed. "His leg is broken?"

The doctor nodded and said, "The bone is injured. If he recovers well, he will be the same as a normal person. But he can't run anymore."

If he recovered well, he would be like a normal person. If not

Hearing this, Lynn Walker frowned. It was a fatal blow to a model.