Chapter 111 Come onto the Stage in this Way

Lynn Walker put on a false smile and said, "Don't worry, aunt. Someone will do these. You just watch them at ease."

As long as she didn't make any trouble, the press conference would go smoothly.

There was only an hour left. Lynn Walker walked backstage and pointed at a person. "You, come here."

He was so tall that she could see him at a glance among the crowd.

Wearing his own clothes, the man walked up to Lynn Walker in confusion.

"You will be my ..."

Before she finished her words, there was a sudden sensation outside.

Lynn Walker looked at the curtain subconsciously and frowned.

She knew that Bernie Walker had spent a lot of money to invite many important people to this press conference. Of course, his purpose was not to publicize her design but to take this opportunity to pull investment.

The sensation outside was still going on, and Lynn Walker finally couldn't resist her curiosity and opened the door.