Chapter 115 Intern to Regular

Benson Brown pulled out a chair and sat opposite her. The two looked at each other face to face.

They had never been so calm for so long time.

Staring at Benson Brown in front of her, Mrs. Brown said with tears in her eyes, "I don't mean to oppose you and do this just for you. I may know what you need more than anyone else."

"Lynn Walker seems innocent, but in fact, she is scheming. Although Jo is careless and stupid, at least I can see through her heart at a glance."

After saying that, she sighed again.

I knew that this woman was not simple when I first saw Lynn Walker. Her eyes looked very clear, but there was a dark light in her eyes that no one could see.

Benson Brown was her son, who was successful in his career. When mentioning his name, the whole business circle would shake. But she was not sure whether he could control such a woman in the family.

At least for now, he was in a disadvantageous position when he got along with Lynn Walker.