Chapter 119 The Source of the Poison

"Clap!" A crisp slap sounded.

Lynn Walker felt the strength on her hand being loosened and heard Roy's screaming, "Benson Brown, don't think that I dare not hit you!"

Benson Brown raised his eyes coldly, which made Roy didn't dare to speak.

The meal was much easier because of Roy.

After that, Roy followed them and asked, "Little Lynn, do you want to watch a movie with me?"

Lynn Walker took a look at Benson Brown. The reason why they met today was for the studio, but the two of them didn't talk to each other.

"She has something else to do." Noticing that Lynn Walker was looking at him, Benson Brown took the initiative to answer for Lynn Walker.

"What can she do so late? She can do it tomorrow." As Roy spoke, he put his arm around Lynn Walker's shoulder and led her to his sports car.

This time, Benson Brown was pissed off.

His voice was cold and piercing, "Roy, you have only one last chance."