Chapter 125 Fake Lynn Walker

To make her words more convincing, Lynn Walker looked at him stubbornly.

In Benson Brown's eyes, she was like a nave rabbit.

Seeing that she was in high spirits, Benson Brown couldn't discourage her enthusiasm. He pretended to be calm but thought about arranging for someone to contact her in his heart.

After saying goodbye to Benson Brown, Lynn Walker went back to the company. Before she could sit down, Bernie Walker called her to his office.

"What happened? You didn't come back last night. Something happened to Mr. Ning again!" Bernie Walker threw an iPad in front of Lynn Walker. It was the news about Mr. Ning.

It turned out that Mr. Ning pretended to make a formal loan, and he opened a shell company for usury. Countless victims exposed it, and his company was sealed up early in the morning.

The cover was a photo of Mr. Ning, whose face was black and blue. If she didn't know that Benson Brown had saved her, she would think that it was the victim who had done it.