Chapter 130 Life Events

Holding her arms across her chest, Jo Walker raised her voice and said, "Sister, what about Brother Benson? Since you don't like him, you'd better let him go. Don't disturb him."

While speaking, she took a meaningful look at Roland.

Although he was also a handsome man, his status couldn't be compared with Benson Brown's. She didn't care about him.

Lynn Walker moved sideways for two or three steps but failed to enter the door, so she stopped and said, "If you want to know, you can ask him in the car over there. I believe that Brother Benson will give you a satisfactory answer."

"What? Brother Benson is in the car?" Hearing Lynn Walker's words, she immediately put down her hands and stopped being arrogant.

If Benson Brown had been in the car all the time, he would have seen what had happened just now clearly.

Jo Walker frowned. Lynn Walker must have done it on purpose. She knew that Benson Brown was watching, but she still provoked her with a cold attitude!