Chapter 181 Let You Give Up

On the second morning, the light outside awakened her up.

After packing up and opening the door, she saw Benson Brown dealing with documents on the sofa.

Lynn Walker walked over and said, "Brother Benson, you woke up!"

Without raising his head, Benson Brown said, "The sandwiches and ice milk are in the fridge. Heat them yourself."

His voice was cold and emotionless.

Lynn Walker's question was stopped by him.

The kitchen of the apartment was open. Lynn Walker found milk and sandwiches and saw a glass with some milk in it on the bar counter.

She looked back, picked up the half glass of milk and shook it. Sure enough, she saw the fine powder at the bottom of the glass.

When Benson Brown didn't notice her action, Lynn Walker scooped some powder with a spoon and twirled it.

If she didn't mistake it, it should be sleeping bills!