Chapter 189 Break Your Promise

But under his deceptive appearance, it was a cold and ruthless heart.

Lynn Walker passed by him. But before her hand touched the man on the bed, the nurse who had been helping her stood out and said, "She is a new comer and not familiar with the business. Let me help you!"

There were only three of them in the laboratory. Hearing the nurse's words, Lynn Walker felt a little relieved.

But the attending doctor disagreed, "She will come into contact with these things one day. Today I just want her to experience it in advance."

The nurse retreated silently with a helpless expression.

Lynn Walker had no choice but to go over. She could do it now, but the nurse who helped her was far away.

If she screamed or opened the door, no matter how powerful she was, she couldn't escape without being seen.

"Hurry up!"

The private doctor was still urging her. It was obvious that he was losing his patience.

Lynn Walker had no choice but to take the risk.