Chapter 196 A Partly Deaf Senior

After returning to her room, Jo Walker was a little unconvinced. "What the hell is she taking? It is even worth ten million. Dad can't stand it anymore!"

Elma White leaned against the chair, lost in thought. "It's certainly not as simple as we think. I'm afraid your father was angry not because of Lynn Walker's perfunctory words, but because of the ring."

"What's special about the ring?"

"I don't know. Maybe he has met it before. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so angry."

Jo Walker scratched her head and asked, "Mom, do you think that ring is really worth ten million?"

"It's hard to say." Resting her chin on her hand, Elma White said in a somewhat meaningful tone, "I'll ask someone to have a test. If it's true, and if anything happens to the Walker Group in the future, we can make early plans."

"What about the Brown family?" Jo Walker was not reconciled.

"I have the chance. The property of the Brown family is more than ten million!"