Chapter 234 Be Trapped

Lynn Walker looked around and found nothing strange, so she took a sip of the juice.

Elma White and Jo Walker were nervous. They didn't feel relieved until they saw Lynn Walker swallow the drink.

"Well, now that Lynn can't wait any longer, let's go there quickly." After saying that, Elma White and Jo Walker stood up.

When they arrived at the door, Lynn Walker wanted to drive her car but was stopped by them.

"Lynn, those things are not in the Walker family. In case you can't find it, you'd better go with us." Elma White said with a smile.

"Yes, if you lose your way, it will be our fault." Jo Walker rolled her eyes impatiently.

Lynn Walker nodded and got in their car.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Lynn Walker felt that the thing in front of her gradually became hazy, so she rubbed her eyes hard.

Elma White and Jo Walker had been looking at Lynn Walker. Seeing her like this, they knew that the time was almost up.