Chapter 240 She Is Back

"I don't believe it. I don't believe Benson Brown can be so capable. Can he make our Longman family disappear?" John Longman didn't believe it.

Seeing that her son was in a fit of anger and couldn't listen to any word, Mrs. Longman didn't want to say anything more.

At this time, the assistant came to the door of the room.

Mrs. Longman walked out quietly.

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Longman asked with a cold face.

"The company's capital chain is broken. There was a sudden problem with our examination for a bank loan. Now we can't apply for it." The assistant said with a frown.

"What? What happened?" Mrs. Longman was surprised.

"What's more, I don't know who spread the news that our capital chain is broken. Several companies that have promised to cooperate with us also went back on their words. Now we don't even have a project that can run." The assistant explained helplessly.

When Mrs. Longman heard this, her eyes were full of disappointment.