Chapter 251 Shatter the Psychological Defense Line

John Longman put his hand on his chest, looking miserable.

The passers-by only took a look at the scene, as if a drunkard was lying on the road, and no one was willing to help.

In this case, John Longman was like a stray dog.

In a private room of the bar, Susan Sean was sitting cross-legged, and the glass in her hand was filled with yellow liquid.

The manager pushed the door open and came in.

"Miss Sean." The manager bowed respectfully.

"Have you done what I asked you to do?"

"Yes, I beat him up and threw him out as you said." The manager replied.

"Good." Susan Sean took out a stack of cash prepared in advance and threw it in front of the manager.

"Miss Sean, he just consumed a few thousand. You don't have to pay so much." The manager pretended to be ignorant.

The manager only took a glance at the money. It should be at least tens of thousands.