Chapter 256 Protect His Profits

The Walker family.

Elma White had learned from George White and Daniel White that the company's shares had changed a lot recently. Bernie White intended to hand the company over to Mark Watson, so they should be prepared in advance.

Elma White was furious at the thought that after so many years of hard work, Bernie Walker would leave everything to Mark Watson.

"Cousin, you have to think it over. You only have one daughter. If Bernie Walker leaves all his shares to that bastard, how can you two have a place to live?" George White urged.

"That's right. cousin, Mr. Walker has been cold to us recently. He just wants to deprive the right of our White family and make way for that bastard."

Elma White knew that George White and Daniel White had been neglected by Bernie Walker recently.

At that time, the reason why the two of them were able to enter the company was her contribution. If Bernie White was ruthless, it was also a slap in her face.