Chapter 258 Escape from Death

"At the worst, kill me. Anyway, I am not a normal man now. What else can I fear?" John Longman looked fearless and even put on an evil smile.

"You..." Lynn Walker was speechless.

"Even if you want to take revenge, you shouldn't have come to me. I'm also a victim in this matter. I know you have been used. You should go to get even with Jo Walker."

John Longman kept pushing her. Lynn Walker couldn't breathe, so she had to fight back.

Lynn Walker had no choice but to grab John Longman's arm and throw it forward. A beautiful shoulder throwing made him fall heavily to the ground.

John Longman didn't expect Lynn Walker to be so skilled.

"You? How could you?" John Longman was shocked.

"Well, I think I can tell you a piece of news, which may be able to make up for the fact that you have become like this." A faint smile appeared on Lynn Walker's face.

John Longman quickly got up from the ground with disdain and turned his face away.