Chapter 274 Having Hotpot in Winter Is Warm

"I see."

Lynn Walker was not sure whether she did the right thing on this matter. Although Elma White had been punished, that woman had ruined the rest of her life.

Lynn Walker had been trying her best to convince herself that it was just to help that woman get rid of trouble. But now that the matter ended, she could not believe this reason.

Lynn Walker looked out of the window and began to guess who she was. Maybe she was wrong this time.

Suddenly, a ringtone interrupted Lynn Walker's thoughts.

"Lynn, everything in the village has been arranged." Beck William reported to Lynn Walker.

"Okay, I see. Thank you for your hard work these days."

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so polite to me? What happened?" Beck William felt that Lynn Walker was a little strange.

"No, I just said it casually. If you don't like it, I'll take it back."

"No, I like it."

Beck William's attitude amused Lynn Walker.